Call for papers e bandi

Questa pagina viene aggiornata regolarmente con tutte le nuove call for papers per workshops, seminari, conferenze, riviste, in Italia e all’estero.

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European Journal of Policing Studies

Special Issue: The Dynamics of Police Stops


Guest editors: Mike Rowe, Sofie de Kimpe, Vincenzo Scalia, Sharda Murria

This special issue will bring together recent research exploring the two sides of a debate, the doing of police stops and the experiencing of them, in order to begin to reconcile some of the differences and disagreements in current discussions. Police accounts emphasise the necessity of police stops for the prevention of crime, particularly that associated with drugs and violence. They draw for support upon the genuine concerns of communities afflicted. Those subjected to police stops protest at the humiliation and trauma of the experience and the racially disproportionate ways in which they are carried out. They draw connections to police shootings in the US and to #blacklivesmatter campaigns. One side calls for more stops and more powers, the other for less and for abolition. Drawing on the idea of procedural justice, recent research has suggested that the experience of police stops can be improved, but this overlooks questions of legality and disproportionality. This special issue will draw together papers that put the two opposing perspectives together to ask whether we can begin to talk differently about a contested practice.

We particularly invite and encourage papers that move discussions beyond these current debates. For example: explorations of the inter-generational experiences of over policing; police officer’s understanding of the significance of stop and search; policing and the influence of stereotypes; police officers’ interactions with young people; young people’s experiences of policing; and migrant experiences of policing.

If you would like to propose a paper and wish to discuss it first, please do contact Mike Rowe (

16th December, 2022 – deadline for the submission of papers



Teoria e tecniche di monitoraggio dei luoghi di privazione della libertà personale

Anche quest’anno torna la Summer School di alta formazione organizzata da Associazione Antigone in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Torino.

In questa edizione, la Scuola si concentra sul monitoraggio delle condizioni della detenzione, attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare e uno sguardo aperto a quanto avviene a livello europeo ed internazionale.

Spostata necessariamente in modalità telematica, date le incertezze causate dall’emergenza sanitaria, si comporrà di 9 webinar, ognuno autonomo dall’altro anche se tassello di un percorso che ambisce a presentare a 360° il monitoraggio detentivo.

La scadenza delle iscrizioni è fissata per il 7 settembre.

Qui tutte le informazioni sul programma, i docenti e i costi la trovate al seguente link e qui potete scaricare la brochure.


Special issue call for paper: “Research on International Migrations and Security Governance”

The journal “Societies” is calling for contributions for the special issue in “Research on International Migrations and Security Governance”. 

More information about the call at this link


Call for paper per il seminario: Confini, identità e cittadinanza

Pisa, Palazzo della Sapienza
16 ottobre 2020

I Dottorandi e le Dottorande in Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Pisa, nell’ambito dei progetti finanziati attraverso i contributi per le iniziative scientifiche organizzate dai corsi di Dottorato dell’Ateneo, bandiscono una Call for Papers per selezionare gli interventi destinati al Seminario nazionale dei Dottorandi in Scienze Politiche, dal titolo Confini, identità e cittadinanza, che si terrà a Pisa in data 16 ottobre 2020.
L’iniziativa si propone di favorire il dialogo e la diffusione della conoscenza scientifica tra giovani studiosi. La partecipazione è aperta a tutti i Dottorandi e a tutte le Dottorande attualmente in corso, afferenti alle aree delle discipline umanistiche, storico-politiche e sociali. Non saranno prese in considerazione le domande di coloro i quali consegneranno la tesi di dottorato prima del 16 ottobre 2020.

Per ulteriori informazione si veda il seguente link


Call for Paper: Il lato oscuro del diritto 

Palermo, 10 settembre 2020

Congresso organizzato dalla Società italiana di Filosofia del Diritto . Gli abstract dovranno essere inviati entro il 30 Aprile ai curatori dei panels elencati di seguito:

1 ) Diritto, potere ed usi del linguaggio (Coordinatori: proff. Giampaolo Azzoni e Thomas Casadei ).
2 ) Corpo, potere e diritto (Coordinatori: proff. Fabio Macioce e
Valeria Marzocco ).
3 ) Narrazioni del potere (Coordinatori: proff. Maria Paola Mittica e Daniele Velo Dalbrenta ).
4 ) Potere, normalità e controllo sociale (Coordinatori: proff. Claudio Sarzotti e Enrica Rigo ).
5 ) Sovranità/sovranismi (Coordinatori: proff. Alessio Lo Giudice e Giulia Maria Labriola ).
6 ) Abuso del diritto (Coordinatori: proff. Angelo Abignente e Silvia Zorzetto ).
7 ) Il potere della interpretazione (Coordinatori: proff. Federico Puppo e Francesca Poggi ).
8 ) Tecnologia, infosfera e poteri difusi (Coordinatori: proff. Maria Antonietta Foddai e Giovanni Ziccardi ).
9 ) Carceri e potere (Coordinatori: proff. Dario Ippolito e
Lucia Re ).
10) Dimensioni internazionali del potere (Coordinatori: proff. Francesco Mancuso e Lucia Corso ).


Call for Paper: Landscapes of Confinement at the EU borders Exploring the ‘Hotspot approach’

29/30 October 2020, Dept. of Political Sciences, University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’, Bari (Italy)

This international interdisciplinary workshop provides an opportunity to reflect, both conceptually and empirically, on the challenges to the protection of migrants’ fundamental rights raised by the increasing institutionalization of the ‘hotspot approach’. This approach is indeed embedded, and needs to be analyzed, within a wider EU bordering project which rests on a long-standing process of migrants’ criminalization
that, in turn, reinforces the racial and nationality-based segmentation of the European society.

This interdisciplinary event will be of interest to scholars from law, criminology, sociology, social policy, human geography, anthropology, political science, and psychology. Early career scholars are encouraged to send abstracts. Attendance is free. We have limited funds available to cover travel and accommodation for paper presenters.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Mary Bosworth, Sergio Carrera, Martina Tazzioli. The workshop is sponsored by the Apulian Regional Council (Consiglio Regionale della Puglia), and it is organized jointly by the Department of Political Sciences of the ‘Aldo Moro’ University of Bari, and the research network ‘Border Criminologies’ of the University of Oxford.

Email your proposal (500 words maximum) by 23:59pm (GMT-4) on June 26, 2020 at including your name, your email, your position and a short bio in your proposal. Please, also indicate if you would like to apply for travel and accommodation funds.
We aim to publish the papers discussed in this international workshop as a special issue
of a journal or as a collective book. If you are interested in putting your work forward for consideration, please indicate this in your proposal.

Information about acceptance will be sent by July 24, 2020.

Please click here for further information.


Call For Paper: Dynamics of harm and social control in the transformation of capitalism

48th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control 

Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino, Italy, 2-5 September 2020

Over past decades, capitalism has undergone transformations that have posed radical challenges for critical thinking. From the harms of ‘old’ capitalism to its most recent transformations, the world is experiencing new forms of exploitation, contradictions and challenges. Political movements around ethical consumption and green capitalism increasingly overshadow the fundamental problems at the heart of corporate capital: exploitation of human and natural resources, inequality and state-corporate expansionism.

Undoubtedly, one of the most pressing contemporary issues is the rise of surveillance capitalism, which increasingly invades our daily lives and shapes our subjectivities (individually and collectively). The transformations of new surveillance capitalism are affecting people intersectionally, relating to class, religion, race, gender, economic status, educational attainment, and countries where people live. Our choices and decisions (from what we eat to whom we date!), risk creating new and effective tools for further exploitation and social control. This is particularly true for the ways we communicate, move and experience in, for example, the ‘smart city’ and ‘smart university’.

In addition, the persistent processes of privatisation and the role played by corporates in the management of criminal justice (including the military/prison industrial complex, Artificial Intelligence, policing, and border control technologies) has radically modified the idea of justice, social inclusion and punishment as a prerogative of the state and state-corporate alliances. In this scenario, whitecollar and corporate crimes evolve toward new domains and forms of social harm, which themselves paradoxically remain areas of deregulation and lenient punishment. Finally, the transformation of capitalism and white-collar crimes have also promoted new populisms, which have deployed nuanced criminal justice toolkits to control, repress and demonise many forms of political opposition, resistance and dissent.

Please click here for further information.

Call for Paper: Decolonising Criminal Justice and Penal Power: Colonial Legacies,
Contemporary Problems and Subaltern Perspectives

17-18 September 2020, University of Warwick (UK) – Deadline 15th March 2020

The workshop will host panels with two or three presenters and a discussant; each presenter will briefly introduce their work, which will be subsequently commented on by the discussant and debated with the broader audience. Additionally, the workshop will also have a closing roundtable which will seek to bring together the workshop’s key conclusions. The presenters will submit drafts of their papers ahead of the workshop, which will be circulated among participants so as to enable closer engagement with all the papers.

Presentations and discussions will engage with the following general questions:
• How can postcolonial theory, studies and perspectives shed light on contemporary penal governance?
• What are the substantive and methodological contributions such engagement can make
to the study of crime, criminalization and violence in a globalized world, and which can
help us critically engage with the recalcitrance of nationalism?
• How can we advance an emancipatory project in criminology, while still recognizing it as being, to a large extent, a discipline created from the perspective of the colonizer?

Papers will focus on one or more of the following broad themes:
• Uprooting the Colonial Legacies of Crime and Justice: direct institutional and structural
legacies; indirect legacies of colonialism on questions of crime and justice;
internalized/repressed histories and biases; ‘blind spots’ in criminology; towards a
phenomenology of subjection.
• Southern and Postcolonial Approaches to Criminology: reassessing ‘familiar’
criminological themes through postcolonial lenses and/or southern epistemologies;
rethinking punishment, victimization and criminalization; race, gender and postcolonial
violence; penal power and imperialism.
• Nationalism, Globalisation, Crime and Justice: criminology and development; border
control; privatization and neoliberal trends in penal power; translations and transplantations of penal practices.
• Decolonizing Criminology: how to use the ‘marginal’ status of criminology to tap into its
emancipatory potential; rethinking curricula and research in criminology through
subaltern agencies and perspectives.

Please click here for further information.

Call for Paper: Identificare ed espellere
Prospettive storiche e geografiche sugli spazi di detenzione

9-10 luglio, Cagliari, Italia – Scade il 15 Marzo 2020

La Call è indirizzata sia a studentesse e studenti a livello dottorale che a studiose/i senior.
Si svolgerà presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università di Cagliari a Cagliari  il 9 e 10 luglio 2020. Le proposte di paper (max 200 parole) possono essere presentate in italiano o in inglese e devono essere inviate entro il 15 marzo 2020 a Ettore Asoni, San Diego State University ( e Alessandro Pes, Università di Cagliari ( La selezione delle proposte avverrà entro il 1 aprile 2020. La conferenza verterà principalmente intorno alle seguenti domande: Il paradigma concentrazionario è ancora utile per poter analizzare l’attuale situazione dei centri di detenzione? Qual è il ruolo degli attori privati e come questi ultimi influenzano gli attuali spazi d’internamento? Qual è, e quale è stato, il ruolo dello stato nazione nel processo di controllo, identificazione e rimozione delle popolazioni “pericolose”? Qual è il ruolo delle organizzazioni sovranazionali come l’Unione Europea e come partecipano nella costruzione della detenzione? Qual è il ruolo delle organizzazioni internazionali, delle Ong e delle associazioni umanitarie, e come esse partecipano, o si oppongono, alla detenzione? Come il concetto di cittadinanza ha influenzato, e come esso riflette, precedenti e attuali strategie di esclusione? Che tipo di spazi sono i campi? Come si può utilizzare lo spazio per escludere?

Maggiori informazioni a questo link

Bando per un insegnamento a contratto

Ca’ Foscari, Venezia – scade il 28 febbraio

L’insegnamento è Sociology and politics , in inglese, 30 ore di insegnamento dal 23 marzo al 2 maggio 2020. All’interno del corso di laurea triennale Philosophy, Economics and International Relations. é un corso molto bello che ho insegnato negli scorsi anni, gli/le studenti sono motivate e con profili internazionali.

Potete trovare maggiori informazioni al seguente link.

Call for Applications:

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the British Academy Knowledge Frontiers Symposium:

Inequalities – 7-8 October 2020 Rome, Italy

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the British Academy are inviting applications for early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences to attend a research collaboration symposium on the broad theme of ‘Inequalities’.

The symposium aims to incentive and establish international engagement and collaboration between early career researchers from Italy and the United Kingdom from a broad range of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, encouraging the exchange of ideas across both disciplinary and national boundaries.

Please click here for further information.

Il governo della migrazione e dell’asilo
Resistenza e azione in tempi di ambivalenza e incertezze  

VI Conferenza Escapes – #escapes2020 Reappraising the Governance of Migration and Asylum Resistance and Action at Times of Ambivalence and Uncertainties.  Università degli studi di Milano, 25 e 26 Giugno 2020 informazioni pratiche La conferenza sarà organizzata in 4 stringhe tematiche:

  1. Comprendere il presente. All’origine di istituti, pratiche e dispositivi
  2. Resistenze, pratiche e azioni
  3. Guardare alle “zone d’ombra”
  4. Trovare e fare accoglienza nell’Europa dei sovranismi

Aspettiamo entro il 30 marzo 2020 le vostre proposte di paper in italiano o in inglese, con l’indicazione della stringa tematica di riferimento.

Common studies sessions: Social Struggles,

Activism and Criminology.

The Common Session will take place in Budapest from the 8 to the 10 of April at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University, ELTE (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3.). This Common Session focuses on social struggles that are corollaries of an increasingly unequal and ambiguous world, and it also examines the question of criminology’s public roles and of criminological engagement related to them. How can criminology, apart from understanding the social world, contribute to a more just society? Is there a way for the criminological imagination to challenge the contemporary social, cultural, political and economic patterns and ease the pain on the local level by engaging with struggles for social and legal justice? If there is, could an ‘activist criminology’ play a role in dissolving the boundaries separating production of knowledge and activism? What would the methodological implications be? Papers exploring the different aspects of criminology, activism and social struggles on a wide range of related topics are welcome. For instance: criminalization, environmental and social harms, resistance and social movements, crimes of the powerful, the rise of populist and authoritarian governments and its implications for penal populism, proliferation of surveillance technologies and its effects on social control, social exclusion, everyday lives and struggles of marginalized people and social groups, victimization and intersectionality, difficulties of the universal acceptance of human rights, academia and activism, methodological considerations. Please deliver the following information no later than March 8th to list of your respective staff and student delegation titles and abstracts of those who wish to present at the conference.

Please click here for further information

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions:

  • PhD Studentship. Military Service, Philanthropy and Security in Modern Britain: The History of the Corps of Commissionaires’
    White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities (WRoCAH) Collaborative Doctoral Award opportunity: University of Leeds & Corps Security. This project explores the history of the Corps of Commissionaires – a British charity that provided employment for former military service personnel, and one of the largest private security organisations of its time. It offers the opportunity to use the rich, private archive of the Corps to explore new perspectives on major developments in the social, cultural and military history of modern Britain, from the mid-nineteenth to the late-twentieth century. As a collaborative project between the University of Leeds and Corps Security (the descendent of the Commissionaires), it presents opportunities to develop new public and business engagement initiatives designed to promote understanding of the Corps archive and Corps Security’s unique heritage. Stage 1 application deadline: 4 December 2019. For further information and details of the application process, see:
    Please direct any enquiries to David Churchill:
  • Associate/Assistant Professor in Criminology
    Criminology (Reference No.: FSS/DSOC/AAP/10/2019) Academic Staff . The Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for the position of Associate/Assistant Professor in Criminology. The department offers Bachelor, Master, and PhD programmes in Sociology and Criminology, has a productive and diverse faculty drawn from many parts of the world, including the
    United States, Netherlands, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. We have a strong research portfolio focusing on comparative criminology, policing, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, intimate partner violence, migration, demography, political sociology, child and adolescent development, and quantitative research methods. More information about the department is available at the UM website: Applicants should visit for more details, and apply ONLINE. Review of applications will commence on December 1, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants may consider their applications not successful if they are not invited for an interview within 3 months of application.
  • Online Sexual Abuse and Criminal Law. Contemporary efforts and problems in criminal law regarding sexual abuse in a digital context
    June 25-26, 2020 | Groningen | The Netherlands. The University of Groningen will host a conference on Online Sexual Abuse and Criminal Law on June 25 and 26, 2020, in Groningen, the Netherlands. The purpose of the conference is to bring together scholars in criminal law to discuss emerging legal trends and responses to
    online sexual abuse and sexual offences with a digital component. All accepted papers will have an opportunity for publication in a conference book. For this purpose, the author’s version of accepted papers will have to be fully finalized by June 25th 2020. Travel and hotel funds are available to accepted speakers/authors. Information for registration will be posted by January 2020. If you are interested in presenting, please submit a bio (including previous publications) and an abstract (300 words) to The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, December 2, 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be delivered by early January 2020. For more info:
  • Call for Papers: Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth: Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices
    IMISCOE 2020 -Luxembourg, 30 June – 2 July, 2020 Session Organisers:
    Mattias De Backer, Université de Liège, Belgium; Ilse van Liempt, Utrecht University, Netherlands; Kathrin Hörschelmann, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, Germany; Robin Finlay, Newcastle University, UK. T . If interested, please send an abstract (250 words maximum) including title, institutional affiliation and contact details (including email) to and by Friday November 15th, 2019. Papers could explore – but are by no means limited to – the following themes: • Refugee youth and uses of public space. • Refugee youth and interactions with the ‘arrival infrastructure’. • Refugee youth and the role of arts, culture and community initiatives. • Refugee youth and the role of sport and its spatiality in the city. • Urban green spaces and refugee youth. • Refugee youth and infrastructures of control, regulation and discrimination. • Public space and refugee youth identity formations. • Gender, refugee youth and the city. • Refugee youth and diaspora networks. • ‘New ethnicities’ and refugee youth. • Refugee youth and urban mobility. • Refugee youth and public transport. • Refugee youth, everyday routines and navigating the city.
  • Stockholm Criminology Symposium June 9-11, 2020 at the City Conference Centre (Norra Latin), in the center of Stockholm The registration for the 2020 Symposium will open on November 5. If you want to benefit from the Early Bird offer and a reduced fee, please sign up no later than February 27, 2020. Last day to
    register is May 4, 2020.
  • The 31st Annual Meeting of the international police executive symposium
    August 16-21, 2020 Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Sponsored by THE MILITARY POLICE OF RIO DE JANEIRO Street Policing: Crime Prevention in a Risky World Abstracts for papers, panels, and roundtables should be sent to the Program Chair: Dr. Vicente Riccio at For more information visit or contact Paul Moore, IPES Treasurer at and/or Dr. Mustafa Ozguler, IPES Director, Program Administrator at
  • Registration Electronic Monitoring Conference 2020
    From the 21st until the 23rd of April 2020, it is time for the 12th edition of the Electronic Monitoring Conference in Helsinki, Finland. This years theme will be
    ‘Electronic monitoring and probation goals: a symbiotic relationship’. Electronic monitoring remains a relatively isolated example of the widespread deployment of technologies in probation practice and community sanctions more broadly. Technologies are already part of our everyday lives but, in common with other public services, are likely to effect on probation practice. As technologies develop and begin to penetrate into probation practices to a greater extent, the challenges of using them in ways which complement probation work grows. The focus of the 12th electronic monitoring conference will be on developing understanding of how electronic monitoring can support probation practices and how other technologies may assist with the use of EM to meet probation goals. For more information about the programme of the conference or the registration, please visit the CEP website.
    Hosted by the Erasmus University Rotterdam / June 8-10, 2020 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, The 9th biennial Surveillance & Society conference of the Surveillance Studies Network, with keynotes by • José van Dijck (Utrecht University) on “Dataism and dataveillance in the age of AI” and • Simone Browne (University of Texas) on “The Ecologies of Surveillance Technologies” and • award ceremonies of the SSN2020 Outstanding Achievement Award and the SSN 2020 Arts Prize Visual acuity has historically been measured based on the normative value of 20/20 vision. Yet by the year 2020, the clarity of vision regarding surveillance practices and their implications remains clouded. The metaphors of vision and optics are central – and privileged – components of surveillance research. This conference considers three interrelated lines of sight to bring increased focus on understanding, evaluating and responding to surveillance.
    All paper and panel proposals should be submitted through the Easy Chair submission system:
    For further information, please visit our website at:
  • Call for Posters Conference on Crime and Punishment Eastern and Western Perspectives on Recent and Fundamental Criminological Questions
    Heidelberg, March 4th to 6th, 2020 The Institute of Criminology of Heidelberg University and the Faculty of Applied Psychology – Legal Psychology of SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, cooperating with Polotsk State University, Republic of
    Belarus, will host an international criminological conference, titled “Crime and Punishment”, from March 4th to 6th, 2020.
    The conference’s main goal is to connect the highly separated spheres of criminological research in Eastern and Western Europe by providing insights into research culture, research projects and their results. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity for academic networking beyond the usual geographical scope. We kindly invite interested researchers to participate in a poster session. The session provides an opportunity to present ongoing and early-stage work to an international audience and receive professional feedback.
    A maximum of 20 posters will be accepted. The successful applicants will be exempted from the attendance fee. Please apply by sending a preliminary title of your poster and a short summary to Please notice: Application for posters ends on December 15th, 2019. Submitting authors have been informed of abstract acceptance/refusal by email on December 20th, 2019.
  • United Kingdom Crime Surveys User Conference 2019
    Date: 5 December 2019 / Location: ONS, Drummond Gate, London
    9.45 Coffee and registration – please arrive by 10.00 to allow time for building
    security checks and escort to the room (Chair: Sarah King-Hele, UK Data Service)
    10.15 Welcome and introduction Sarah King-Hele, UK Data Service
    10.20 Crime Survey for England and Wales: update on latest data and findings
    Joe Traynor, Office for National Statistics
    10.45 Developing a burglary incidence rate index at the neighbourhood level
    using the CSEW James Hunter, Andromachi Tseloni, Nottingham Trent University, and Ken Pease, University of Derby
    11.15 Tea/coffee Chair: Joe Traynor, Office for National Statistics
    11.35 Update on the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Anna Saunders, Scottish Government
    12.00 Update on commercial victimisation survey Rosanna Currenti, Home Office
    12.25 Lunch Chair: John Flatley, Home Office
    13.25 Gangs, drugs and knife crime in London T. Kirchmaier, S. Machin and C. Villa-Llera, London School of Economics
    13.55 Crime seriousness and attitudes towards the Police – UK and abroad Dainis Ignatans, University of Huddersfield
    14.25 Valuing the relationship between drug use and well-being  Anna Maccagnan, Tim Taylor and Mathew P. White, University of Exeter Medical School
    14.55 Tea/coffee Chair: Anna Saunders, Scottish Government
    15.15 Assessing police efficiency and effectiveness using crime survey data in
    England and Wales Xinyan Cheng, University of Bath
    15.45 Modelling fear of crime area variation of people in England Mohammad Shan-A-Khuda, Z. Cliffe Schreuders and Tom Cockcroft, Leeds Beckett University
    16.15 Wrap up
  • 2019 Scottish International Policing Conference
    Tuesday 10th December 2019  John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
    The 2019 conference will explore ethical, legal and societal concerns raised by the
    incorporation of various forms of technology and the challenge of policing in a digital sphere. Further details including how to register, location, and a draft program can be found on the SIPR website. Please visit Registrations are open via eventbrite CALL FOR POSTER PRESENTATIONS – DEADLINE MONDAY 11th NOVEMBER Please contact Monica Boyle as soon as possible if you are interested in contributing a poster for the conference.
  • Call for Papers “Max Weber vivo? Sociologia, storia, diritto (1920-2020) – in occasione del Convegno annuale dell’Associazione di studi su Diritto e Società, in collaborazione con la Scuola di Scienze sociali dell’ Università di Genova, sul pensiero e l’eredità di Max Weber a distanza di 100 anni dalla sua scomparsa. Il convegno si terrà a Genova l’11 e il 12 giugno 2020, presso la Scuola di Scienze Sociali in Via Balbi n°5. La Call for Papers è rivolta a tutti i giovani ricercatori. Una proposta sintetica di un contributo di circa 3000 caratteri unitamente ad un breve curriculum scientifico del proponente deve essere inviata entro il 17 febbraio 2020, all’indirizzo
    Il direttivo dell’Associazione indicherà entro il 10 aprile 2020 i contributi selezionati. Qui tutte le informazioni: Convegno Weber_finale
  • Common studies sessions: “Political violence and social change”The Criminology and Sociology Department at Middlesex University is proud to announce that they will be hosting the Common Session Conference 16-18 December 2019 at their campus in Hendon, London. They look forward to welcoming criminology PhD and MA students and staff members from all partner universities to this conference.Please register for your place at the conference on our eventbrite pageThe password for registration is: MDX2019

    Conference topic

    Political violence and social change:

    The focus of this Common Session Programme is how social change and reform are collectively pursued and how the institutional apparatus responds to collective action. Strategies for social change may be violent and/or nonviolent, as can be state reactions to them. Papers on a wide range of related topics are welcome, including: social movements, political protest, violent institutional responses to social struggles, terrorism, state violence and war. Theoretical contributions are also encouraged, for example: religion and violence, philosophical interpretations of violent conflict, theories of social change, nonviolent contention, conflict and emancipation, strategies of liberation.

    Abstract upload

    If you want to present a paper at the conference, please upload an abstract using our drop box. The deadline for uploading your abstract is the 18th of November 2019. Further details on how to upload an abstract for the conference and our programme are to be announced soon. Please download our leaflet for information on travel and accommodation.

  •  Le strade della teppa: percorsi e prospettive di conflitto controculturale e soggettivazione politica –  Giornata di studi, 8 novembre 2019, Padova

La recente riedizione da parte di RedStarPress di Teppa. Storie del conflitto giovanile dal Rinascimento ai giorni nostri di Valerio Marchi è un evento importante. Saggio storico sulla “teppa”, scritto “per la teppa”, il libro (pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1998) è parte indissociabile di quel percorso politico e culturale, iniziato nella Gran Bretagna del secondo dopoguerra, segnato dall’irruzione al centro del dibattito pubblico di nuove soggettività giovanili che interpellavano in profondità i tradizionali canoni di interpretazione marxisti. È necessario partire da questi sommovimenti sociali per comprendere a pieno la loro traduzione teorica, impegnata da un lato a leggere il conflitto laddove le correnti istituzionali non vedevano altro che istinti e ignoranza, dall’altro a pensare il problematico rapporto tra l’atto teppistico e la cultura dominante, in particolar modo il ruolo decisivo di quest’ultima nella sua definizione/strumentalizzazione. Osservando la contingente fase socio-politica, l’opera di Marchi (la cui biografia, simbolicamente, contiene teoria e pràxis) ci appare oggi tanto necessaria quanto perturbante. Il rinnovato interesse per i suoi scritti e per la sua prospettiva assume senso sintomatico in un contesto in cui si susseguono traduzioni e riedizioni di scritti e riflessioni, principalmente della scuola di Birmingham, sulle traiettorie sottoculturali che hanno scandito le trasformazioni economiche e politiche europee della seconda metà del Novecento. Nell’attuale congiuntura politica, in cui il governo della crisi rivela in maniera sempre più nitida i suoi caratteri razzisti, sessisti e più generalmente reazionari, in cui le ondate di moral panics contrappongono, in una dinamica mortifera di “sbiancamento” e razzializzazione, vecchi e “nuovi” barbari, sentiamo dunque il bisogno di riprendere le fila di ragionamenti interrotti, o perlomeno rimasti confinati in alcuni ristretti circuiti sociali. Si tratta di territori che, sebbene spesso sbrigativamente ridotti ad una dimensione impolitica, non smettono di interpellarci: nell’atto teppistico si registra “un’infrazione continuata dei canoni del contratto sociale”. Nonostante ci sembri indubbio che l’Accademia, in quanto luogo di riproduzione della cultura dominante, sia stata storicamente sorda a queste dinamiche e, nei casi peggiori, si sia fatta vettore di uno sguardo voyeurista e moralista, pensiamo sia possibile e auspicabile un doppio movimento: da un lato, di apertura di spazi teoricamente conflittuali, e dall’altro – al di là di posture istituzionalmente pedagogiche – di contaminazione con la molteplicità delle espressioni controculturali. Del resto, lo spazio accademico è da diversi anni soggetto a note dinamiche di precarizzazione, che rendono necessario riconoscerne le caratteristiche di spazio conteso e conflittuale. L’obiettivo è dunque rinnovare questo sguardo teorico-politico per metterlo alla prova del presente, rimanendo fedeli non a un paradigma ma a un intento, e lasciando le consacrazioni e le posture contemplative alla brigata “Appendili e Frustali”.

La giornata studio “Le strade della teppa” vuole darsi come prima occasione di incontro e di connessione di ricercatrici e ricercatori, con l’idea di riprendere il filo di questi ragionamenti, recuperando strumenti analitici e metodologici che possano interrogarci sulle direzioni che le teppe hanno preso negli ultimi anni, tra continuità e fratture nella loro produzione e nei conflitti che attraversano. Per questo saranno accolti contributi empirici e/o teorici che si sviluppino in accordo con questa prospettiva. Saranno apprezzate anche ricerche in corso, che speriamo la giornata studi possa contribuire a sviluppare. Saranno inoltre particolarmente graditi contributi provenienti da ricercat* alle prime fasi della loro carriera.

Tra le tematiche possibili, suggeriamo come possibili linee di ricerca:

. Espressioni ed organizzazioni delle culture del conflitto: linguaggi e forme di rinnovamento oltre la costruzione della novità culturale come “emergenza” e pericolo;

. Rabbia, odio, violenza urbana: politiche delle emozioni “incivili”, definizione affettiva del politico e costruzione delle soggettività;

. Istituzioni e pratiche del controllo e della normalizzazione delle controculture: la macchina “civilizzatrice” tra repressione e spettacolo;

. Geografie della teppa: processi di territorializzazione delle controculture e del controllo;

. Prospettive translocali e transnazionali: influenze, egemonie, connessioni delle controculture.

. Divisioni tra teppe: contrapposizioni, processi di razzializzazione e prospettive di ricomposizione politica;

. Prospettive critiche sulle formazioni controculturali e forme di resistenza e dominio nell’intersezione tra classe, razza e genere.

Gli abstract non devono superare le 500 parole e devono essere inviati, congiuntamente a una breve biografia (circa 100 parole), recapiti ed eventuale affiliazione, all’indirizzo email entro il 15 giugno 2019.

  • Call for paper di Antigone: ‘A tutto campo’: ricerche, intrecci, riflessioni su sport e criminalità

Il numero monografico della rivista vuole riflettere a tutto campo sui temi su delineati, con contributi di riflessioni teorica e descrizioni di ricerche sul campo, verificando il senso delle politiche di intervento  adottate e la loro effettività.
Gli abstract e gli articoli in Italiano, inglese, francese o spagnolo vanno inviati in formato .doc al seguente indirizzo: e in cc agli indirizzi mail dei curatori del volume Si prega di allegare all’abstract il nome dell’autore, un indirizzo mail, e una breve nota biografica con
indicazione dell’affiliazione. Si prega di prendere visione della sezione “Invia un articolo a questo indirizzo 57
Scadenza invio abstract: 15/06/2019
Scadenza invio articoli: 15/09/2019

  • International Workshop “Inequality and penality: Explorations in the contemporary political economy of punishment”

The International workshp will take place at the Department of Legal studies of the University of Bologna, on June 27th and 28th, 2019, and it is coordinated by Maximo Sozzo (National University of Litoral, Argentina) and Dario Melossi (University of Bologna, Italy). Abstracts of 250 words are invited in English. Extended deadline for sending abstracts: May 10th, 2019. Acceptance will be communicated on May 15th, 2019. Papers must be submitted by June 15th, 2019. Email: Call for papers. Extended deadline

  • ‘A tutto campo’: ricerche, intrecci, riflessioni su sport e criminalità

E’ aperta la call for abstracts per il numero monografico della rivista Antigone “‘A tutto campo’: ricerche, intrecci, riflessioni su sport e criminalità”. Gli abstract e gli articoli in Italiano, inglese, francese o spagnolo vanno inviati in formato .doc al seguente indirizzo: e in cc agli indirizzi mail dei curatori del volume, Rosalba Altopiedi ( e Massimiliano verga ( Gli abstract vanno inviati entro il 15 giugno 2019 e gli articoli entro il 15 settembre 2019.

  • Against the Grain: The Ethics, Poetics and Politics of Contrarian Speech

Symposium at the University of Amsterdam, 5th – 7th June 2019 Keynote speakers: Sarah Clancy, Jim Hicks, Frank Keizer  Deadline for proposals: 15th April 2019 Dates: The event will commence in the late afternoon of 5th June and end by early afternoon of 7th June. A collaboration of ‘Contemporary Poetry and Politics’ (FFI2016-77584-P), The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, The Amsterdam Center for Globalization Studies, and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis. Organizers: Cornelia Gräbner (Lancaster University), Joost de Bloois (University of Amsterdam). Website:
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  • European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control; 47th Annual Conference. Can Batlló, Barcelona, 4, 5, 6 September 2019. RESISTING STATE-CORPORATE HARMS IN TIMES OF REPRESSION. TOWARDS A THEORY OF INSURRECTION.

MORE – registration, contributions, accommodation, programme (tba), etc. @  Across the globe, there has been an undoubtable evolution of the intimate bond between states and corporations. The impacts have been prolific: as state-corporate power increases, the social, economic and political wellbeing of populations and ecosystems has degenerated greatly in many areas. Political repression has ensued across regions of resistance. Whilst wealth has increased for a minority elite, violent economic policies continue to inflict social, economic, emotional and political harms against some of the most powerless in society. Meanwhile, so-called ‘globalisation’ often imposes market totalisation: an essentially colonial dynamic to manage populations through the mechanisms of warfare. Indeed, we are increasingly seeing the militarization of police forces and borders, with armies patrolling the provinces of ‘world geoeconomics’: life becomes privatised, and death is outsourced. In response to these shifts, the 2019 Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control will be held in Barcelona. Our objective is to give voice to those who resist, and offer means to collaborate towards the collective construction of an insurrectional theory based on a variety of practical experiences. This is a chance to expand on a theory and practice which is based on the legitimate right to a dignified life. A theory to pull down the walls between discourses and struggles for justice, thus dissolving the divide between so-called ‘knowledge production’ and social organisation: it is always the latter what facilitates the former. We look forward to taking this opportunity to build activist and research agendas in this direction. We particularly encourage papers and panels that draw together activism and academia, and bring to the table examples of where toolkits or actions for resistance have been successful – or not. We aim to build a mutual learning environment within which attendees and speakers can develop ideas to move forward in various areas across the spectrum of social inequality and multiple oppressions or violence. The call for contributions is organized under streams pertaining to the titles of the European Group’s Working Groups. Please submit a summary of your contribution (máx. 600 words) to the relevant stream (see list below) by 20 April 2019Contributions will be accepted once the registration form is submitted: and sent to

  • 6 PhD researchers in Law and Criminology:

We are looking for six PhD researchers who will perform excellent research in Law or Criminology in connection with one of the research themes pursued by Erasmus School of Law. This is an open application round, in which candidates are selected on the basis of their professional qualification, the letter of motivation, the quality of their own research proposal, and the extent to which this fits within the research profile of ESL. EGSL has created a two-phased structure for the four-year doctoral programme: a probationary period (14 months) followed by a 34-month PhD programme. The probationary period consists of a full educational programme of 60 ECTS (including 20 ECTS for individual research). In the remaining 34-month period PhD researchers focus on research and the completion of their thesis. In both phases structured guidance is provided by the thesis supervisors and a doctorate committee composed of three senior researchers and the EGSL Director or one of the EGSL PhD Coordinators. PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI:


Working group in Immigration, Crime and Citizenship
International two-day conference: 9-10 May 2019 Institute of Criminology, University of Malaga, Spain. Deadline per l’invio di abstract: 25 Febbraio 2019

  • Ikerbasque

the Basque Foundation for Science, would like to inform you that it has launched a new international call to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country. It offers: 20 positions for promising postdoctoral researchers Ikerbasque Research Fellows; 5 year contracts, during the last year the researcher can be assessed and she/he can obtain a permanent position; PhD degree between jan2008-Dec2016; support letter from the host group is mandatory; application for women are especially welcomed. For further information, please visit . We would appreciate your help in disseminating this information, in case you know any colleague that could be interested and meets the requirements of the call.

  • Call for Papers: RGS-IBG Annual Conference | London | Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 August 2019 theme: The Politics of hope within systems of border control. Troubled subjects, materials and temporalities.
Organisers: Sarah Hughes (Durham University) & Daniel Fisher (Exeter University)Please send abstracts of 200 words to Sarah Hughes ( and Daniel Fisher ( by midnight on the 1st February 2019.Reference:
Miéville, China. “The Limits of Utopia” Climate and Capitalism, March 2nd 2018

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